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The General Coordination of Labor Immigration of the Ministry of Justice and Public (CGLI / MJSP) issued Technical Note No. 01/2020 this afternoon, March 24, 2020, temporarily suspending publications of prior residence authorization in favor immigrant - at Official Gazette (D.O.U), in order not to hinder the procedures for collecting your visa at Brazilian Consulates, as well as the immigrant's entry into the country and his subsequent registration with the Federal Police. The measure is necessary due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, which reduced the activities of all government agencies.

Thus, we reiterate that the CGLI / MJSP will continue to receive requests for residence permits and prior residence permits, as well as continue to carry out their analysis, not only proceeding with the publication of its approval so that the immigrant is not harmed in collecting the visa.

However, the protocol and analysis of requests for previous residence authorization will be maintained, with each case being individually assessed, prioritizing exceptional cases duly motivated or emergency according to the national public interest.

It is important to mention that the General Coordination of Labor Immigration will pay attention to cases of immigrants whose entry is specifically authorized by the Brazilian Government in view of the national public interest, through express provocation by the requesting party. There is no specific period for this technical note lose its legal effects, as they are linked to the continuity of necessary sanitary measures taken by the Brazilian government to contain COVID-19. Due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, the EMDOC team is attentive to any change in the daily procedures of the Brazilian migratory organs, with the commitment to always keep them informed.

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