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THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE FEDERAL POLICE verifying an expressive number of immigrants pending regularization, as well as a significant number of Brazilians who are unable to withdraw their passport within the set deadline, published on March 8, 2021, Ordinance No. 21-DIREX / PF . In fact, this Ordinance extends the scope of some terms of the former Ordinance No. 18-DIREX / PF.

The main points dealt with by Decree No. 21 are:

I. Expired identification documents

Stay extended until September 16, 2021 the deadline for migratory regulation of foreigners who have identification documents expired from March 16, 2020, and regulation can be done, regardless of the application of fines for late registration or excess of permanence that occurred in that period.

Administrative infractions that occurred before March 16, 2020, or other than predicted at the art. 109, II, III, and IV, of Law No. 13,445, of May 24, 2017 do not benefit from the rule set out above.

II. Documents for purposes of entry, registration, renewal or transformation

The attendance protocols referring to immigration regularization, national migratory registration cards and other documents related to the Immigration Police activities produced by the Federal Police expiring from March 16, 2020 must be accepted as valid for all effects and may be used until September 16, 2021, including for the purposes of entry, registering, renewing or changing the term.

III. New orders and applicable documents

In the process of migratory regularization, documents expired after March 16, 2020 will be accepted, provided that the immigrant has maintained his residence in the national territory and seeks to regularize himself until 16 December 2021.

Travel abroad whose sum of the periods exceed 30 (thirty) days prevent the application of the above rule.

IV. Extraordinary stay request for VISITORS

In the event that it is impossible to leave Brazil within the period of stay granted (legal stay) due to restrictions imposed by a third country, the visitor may justifiably request an extraordinary extension of the date of departure, even if it exceeds the limits of the year migratory. However, the decision must be submitted to migration control.

V. Brazilian Passports

The National Passport System - SINPA will no longer automatically cancel passports not withdrawn within the set deadline, and this measure will last until a new manifestation by the Federal Police.

The Ordinance No. 21 will enter into force on March 15, 2021.

EMDOC professionals are available to answer the demands and doubts on the topic that certainly involves the mobility of many immigrants in this very delicate moment.

Therefore, before any trip, consult the specific conditions in force at the time of boarding.

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